Friday 24 January 2014

Brief and first pieces of work

This semester I am completing the Game Texture Development module. In it I will learn a lot about the different types of textures, how to source them, the best way to create them and how to apply them. I will use Photoshop a lot and learn much about it. The final submission work is to texture a head sculpt we are given and to texture a house we have been given. Personally I think this will be a hard but rewarding module as I feel that my texture work needs to improve a lot.

Already we have done work which has taught me new things. The first piece of work we did was to create and texture a basic box. It had to be hand painted. I painted it without photo reference and learnt quite a bit in the way of pressure sensitivity regarding my graphics tablet. This is what I came out with:

I'm really happy with it and think it's a nice piece of work. I was told that the grain was a little too harsh in terms of colour which I can agree with now looking back but I still like what I did. Next we had to make our own cloud brush and create a small picture with it. This I found difficult, I really felt I couldn't get the brush to look right but in the end I created something I was quite happy with:

It was created using only my brush and the gradient tool for the background. I started by laying down a darker tone and then adding the light clouds on top. It came out better than I thought it would and am quite happy with it and have a learnt a lot. I look forward to seeing what I will learn next. 

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