Monday 3 March 2014

Exploring channels (and match colour!)

So today I did a small quick task teaching me about how I can use colour channels along with a few functions such as match colour. I started with this photo and the end result was to change the sky and have the environment reflect this.

To get rid of the sky I went into the blue channel, used the curves editor and made a mask from it as the contrast between sky and canyon was very high making the task of separating them a lot easier than it could have been. Next I found  a picture  of a desert sky. I brought this in below my canyon layer. I then duplicated the canyon layer (along with the mask) and edited the mask to keep the foreground similar but letting other areas be influenced more. I then selected match colour and used my cloud layer as the source layer, changing the colours and making them fit the sky more. It was a lot of fun and could be really useful in the future for any mock up images among other things. 

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