Tuesday 4 March 2014

Photo Manipulation

Today I have been working through some new techniques to edit photos which have been a lot of fun. This is the image that I wanted to edit.

First of all I removed the writing on the brickwork by using a mix of the clone stamp tool and the brush on a low opacity setting.

Next I experimented with changing the colour of certain objects in a picture. I changed the electrical fan unit into a darker green and the chair into a reflective red. I changed the fans colour by using a layer that I painted a dark green, lowered the opacity of and then setting the layer style to colour burn. The chair was done in a similar way but using the colour layer style instead.

I decided I wanted to try a bigger change and so I found a picture of an arched window to out into the picture instead of just plain bricks.

Here I put the window into the scene. It required a little distortion along with changes to it's levels which I then cleaned up with the brush tool. I also added some cracks into the floor using two methods. The first method was hand painting and then using bevel and emboss whilst the others were taken from another photo which I then had to change the perspective of.

The last change I made was a gradient map adjustment layer using purple and yellow for my gradient. This unified all the elements of my work, making them sit together easier whilst looking more correct. Whilst this was quite quick and easy work I learnt a few new things which will surely be useful someday.

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