Monday 31 March 2014

Zbrush - First impressions, colour schemes and experimentation

Today I started learning how to use Zbrush for one of my hand ins for this module. Overall, whilst enjoyable, I find that it isn't user friendly in the slightest (at least for the newbies). I get lost in the software and struggle to figure out what is happening half the time. However, when it works it's a lot of fun and I can see some of the potential of the software. So far I've experimented with different ways of texturing, different brushes and some tools.

One of the most important things I need to work out now is what colour scheme I want to do. I've played with quite a few colour schemes so far yet not found any I really like. I tried playing with white and blue a fair bit as shown with the first picture below. I'm happy with it how it looks there yet I'm not sure it'll work with the head as whole but rather the detailed plates on his neck.

I did several tests with eyes. The first was done through ZAppLink which involved taking my angle into Photoshop, painting it, saving it and then it would automatically apply. This method will almost definitely be used in certain areas of the model such as the bulbous glands on the sides of his head as I think the method would be well suited to texturing them. 

Below is another method of texturing that I did using Spotlight. This involved taking a picture of something and using it as a stencil. It worked really well and came out nicely. I can see myself using this method for the eyes and possibly any other details I like, perhaps for some kind of scaly material across the head?

I have also thought of how to paint the other areas of him. The teeth I think will be painted by eye in Zbrush as they are relatively simple. The same could go for the metal plating. The skin itself is the part that worries me most as I don't yet have a solid idea of what to do for it however I'm sure I'll come up with something.

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